
Tuesday 25 July 2017

"Tales from Kweelera", S1E01: "Beginning a War, Part One"

Outer space.
And, then, the Earth.
A small blue and green planet: Earth.
Now renamed Kweelera.
A man.
A Homo sapiens sapiens.
An human.
Looking at the sky.
A spacecraft.
Travelling above him.
It's the KWS Gigantic, the most powerful warship in the Milky Way, equipped with three hundreds and fifty weapons, including fifteen ion cannons and one hundred laser weapons. The Majesty-class, the Gigantic's spacecraft class, was designed in 5000.
Some people critizised the idea to call it "Gigantic", because its name sounded too much like the name of the RMS Titanic, a terrestrial Olympic-class steam mail ship that sunk in 1912.
But it was also a name representing greatness, indistructibleness, power: majesty.
The Gigantic was just entered in Kweelera's orbit, and its crew of four thousands humans was preparing to what probably stopped the flow of the time and the existance of the space, a word formed by three letters: "war".
War, a total war, which changed our universe, and some other universes, too.

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